The world’s gliding mammals are an extraordinary group of animals that have the ability to glide from tree to tree with seemingly effortless grace. There are more than 60 species of gliding mammals including the flying squirrels from Europe and North America, the scaly-tailed flying squirrels from central Africa and the gliding possums of Australia and New Guinea.
Order: Diprotodontia
Family: Petauridae
Description: The largest of the petaurid gliding possums. Its upper parts are generally brownish-grey (sometimes a rich brown) with a distinct black stripe, and yellow or cream underneath. Apart from its larger size this species is easily recognised by its colour and the fact that its fifth finger is longer than its fourth. The most vocal of the gliding possums, its calls are loud and frequent.
Distribution: Widespread but patchy from north Queensland down the east coast through New South Wales to south-eastern South Australia. Inhabits forests dominated by mature tall eucalypts in temperate and subtropical eastern Australia. At the edges of its distribution are isolated populations in north Queensland and also near the Victorian/South Australian border.
Reproduction: Females give birth between August and October in Victoria, predominantly between February and April in southern New South Wales and June to August in north Queensland. The female normally produces one young per year, although there is a record of twins. The young remains with its parents until it is
Diet: Plant and insect exudates are its main food items, supplemented with invertebrates. It also extracts sap from different species of Eucalyptus and nectar from various genera of trees including Eucalyptus, Corymbia, Melaleuca, Banksia, and in north Queensland, Melicope and Buckinghamia. Honeydew and lerps from invertebrates as well as manna are also eaten.
Sap from different species of Eucalyptus are generally obtained by cutting
Ecology: Nests in hollows within trees in small family groups of two to more than four adults and their offspring. Their social organisation is flexible and appears to vary according to local resource abundance. Some populations are socially and genetically monogamous, while others can be either monogamous or polygynous. The home ranges of different groups are very large and show minimal overlap. They range in size from approximately 30 hectares to over 65 hectares.
The density is low, ranging from
Status: Least Concern.
The northern, undescribed population is listed as vulnerable and the population in South Australia is considered endangered. A population viability analysis of the species suggested that at least 150 glider groups are needed to support viable populations, requiring an area of a minimum of 9750 hectares where all habitat is suitable, but as only
HB | 240–310 mm |
TL | 380–470 mm |
HF | 25–45 mm |
M | 435–725 g |
Petaurus australis australis — Central Queensland down the east coast to central Victoria, with an isolated population.
Unnamed subspecies — Isolated populations in north Queensland on the western slopes of rainforest between Mount Windsor and Yamanie, on the bank of the Herbert River Gorge. The taxonomy of this isolated segment of the range needs to be resolved.
Acrobates pygmaeus
Petaurus abidi
Petaurus biacensis
Petaurus breviceps
Greater Glider
Petauroides volans
Indochinese Flying Squirrel
Hylopetes phayrei
Taiwan Giant Flying Squirrel
Petaurista lena
Smoky Flying Squirrel
Pteromyscus pulverulentus